The children at the moment have practised retelling a myth both orally and in written form. With a buddy they made their best attempt to retell with as much detail as they could remember. With all that information they have tried their best to sequence the story together and add a lot of content specific words to help them improve their literacy skill as writers and story tellers.
Now they are working in a groups and they will take the skills that they have learnt and are putting together a story board to make a Block Buster Movie. They have worked as a team to decide on a common legend that they would like to remake and on a story board they have started sketching their ideas of scenes. This skill helps them to hoan their retelling skills, but much more it causes them to sift out what information is critical to the story and which bits are not. So from this experience we are hoping we catch the message of the legend that we are trying to tell.s
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