This term we have been reading the book "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen. It is a story about a young boy who gets stranded out in the Canadian bush when his plane goes down. We all were engrossed with the story and these are some of the comments that the kids made after it

Here is a vocabulary presentation of the book "Hatchet". Click here and see what are the key words in the story and what they mean.


Caitlin: I didn't like how he left at the end because he left all the yummy food.

Blair: I was surprised at how long he lived in the wild.

Jonny: I can't believe that he changed as soon as he found the survival kit.

Shayla: I think the story was awesome.

Jamie: It was a very interesting book and I loved it.

Amanda: I was happy when he got saved.

Taine: He lived happily ever after.

Mitchell: I was surprised that he found the survival pack in the plane.

Thomas B: It was amazing how the hatchet saved his life.

Samantha: I like the part when he found the tail of the plane in the lake.

Floyd: I was surprise how he got the hatchet back from the bottom of the lake.

Sam: I was amazed at how he could make a fire with the hatchet.

We are looking for a new book to read for term 3. Do you have any suggestions??
1 Response
  1. Room L Says:

    I liked wen he found the Hatchet. by Eamon

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