Out of interest I would like to see how many parents of the children in Room L visit this blog and the frequency thereof. So if you are not a parent then you can pass on by, however if you are a parent please spend 5 seconds to enter your vote anonymously.
For the art component of our wind unit we decided to do a mural.
We were learning how Tawhirimatea is the wind god in maori legend. He was one of the few sons who did not want to see his mum and dad (Papatuanuku and Ranginui) separated, so he lashed out at his brothers with great gusts of wind. Although this did not stop his brothers Tawhirimatea still shows his disapproval at times with great winds.
Today when Tawhirimatea is not so angry he can help us by turning the Wind Turbines with his breath and giving us clean energy. This is our interpretation of Te Apiti Wind Farm.
If you would like to visit the mural in person you are more than welcome to come into Room L to look.
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This is a recording of the story "The Winds of Tawhirimatea". This story is read by Taine, Madison, Kaya and Kapene.
We were learning how Tawhirimatea is the wind god in maori legend. He was one of the few sons who did not want to see his mum and dad (Papatuanuku and Ranginui) separated, so he lashed out at his brothers with great gusts of wind. Although this did not stop his brothers Tawhirimatea still shows his disapproval at times with great winds.
Today when Tawhirimatea is not so angry he can help us by turning the Wind Turbines with his breath and giving us clean energy. This is our interpretation of Te Apiti Wind Farm.
If you would like to visit the mural in person you are more than welcome to come into Room L to look.
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This is a recording of the story "The Winds of Tawhirimatea". This story is read by Taine, Madison, Kaya and Kapene.

Thanks for coming QBear and frends.
By Eamon
If you saw Christian the Lion on the program "Sunday" then you may be interested in this posting. Christian was a lion cub that was put up for sale in a shop called "Harrods" in London. Two friends thought that they would purchase him to take care of him. Anyhow they had a good time bringing him up and became very attached to him. Like all animal lovers there was true affection shared between both pet and owner. After a while they realised that they needed to return him back to the wild. So when a year had passed they thought that they would visit him and although everyone told them that the lion had turned wild they visited him nevertheless. Here is how the meeting turned out...
Mrs Harris has asked that I join the choir for a little while. The choir wants to sing the "Banana Boat" song and I will join the choir to play the guitar for them. Here is the song anyway. I will put some postings up later with updates.
Everyone has worked so hard this week to write their Enviro-Stories so it only seemed fitting that I made a video to support it all.
Have a watch and look for the little twist mid-way through.
Have a watch and look for the little twist mid-way through.
An article posted on the TV3 website showed that in the US families were spending less and less time with each other due to the use (or over use) of the internet. Social network sites such as facebook and others have grown exponentially over the last year which suggests that the interest is not only with young people but also with grown ups. Click here to read more.
Well it seemed like it was clear cut from game one that the L.A. Lakers lead by the incomparable Kobe Bryant would take out the NBA basket title. Although the Orlando Magic lead by superman Dwight Howard bounced back in game three to defeat their opponents, the writing was all over the wall in terms of who had the superior execution.
Many doubted whether Kobe could lead the Lakers to another title without the colossus Shaquille O'Neal, but those critics were put to the sword when Kobe averaged 32 points during the finals and was picked as the finals MVP (most valuable player) to prove that he is worthy to be counted as one of the greats.
So that's it for another season of NBA action.

On Friday Q Bear and his friends and came to my house for the weekend. As soon as we got home we had some noodles and watched Sponge Bob. Later that night we had mince for tea. Later on we watched the Simpsons, it was funny.
Q Bear and I went to Bulls to go to my Dads work. Q Bear's friends came too. At eight thirty we watched the All Blacks verses France. The All Blacks lost 22-27. It finished at eleven fifteen but I didn't go to bed until one o clock in the morning.
On Sunday Q Bear his friends and I got up for breakfast. We had Weet-Bix. I had five of them.
I had fun with Q Bear and all of his friends.
By Christopher
For the rest of the Term we will be doing the Unit Kia Kaha.
The aim of the unit is to create an environment where all members of the school community feel safe, respected and valued, and where we show positive actions toward each other.
The General Objective is so that students, parents, caregivers, and teachers work together to create a safe learning environment that is based on mutual respect, tolerances and a respect for diversity.
Our ultimate goal is that we can work with each other in harmony and collaboratively. We recognise that while our class is large we nevertheless work in a small space, and so we need to be kind with our words and actions to each other. We will be using this song as a theme song so that it will remind us about our goals.
If you watch this clip closely. You will see that there are a large number of people who work collaboratively to make this song so great. The first person sets the platform and all the other artists listen to his recording and add their own piece to it. In the end it makes quite an ensemble. Have a listen!
The aim of the unit is to create an environment where all members of the school community feel safe, respected and valued, and where we show positive actions toward each other.
The General Objective is so that students, parents, caregivers, and teachers work together to create a safe learning environment that is based on mutual respect, tolerances and a respect for diversity.
Our ultimate goal is that we can work with each other in harmony and collaboratively. We recognise that while our class is large we nevertheless work in a small space, and so we need to be kind with our words and actions to each other. We will be using this song as a theme song so that it will remind us about our goals.
If you watch this clip closely. You will see that there are a large number of people who work collaboratively to make this song so great. The first person sets the platform and all the other artists listen to his recording and add their own piece to it. In the end it makes quite an ensemble. Have a listen!
Well here is another dose of You Tube for you. I get these videos off Tony Ryan's blog. Tony Ryan is an inspiration to me as an educator and he is an all round decent bloke.
If this doesn’t cheer you up, nothing will!
If this doesn’t cheer you up, nothing will!
Antwerp Central Railway Station in Belgium on March 23 2009. A recording of Do Re Me, sung by Julie Andrews, suddenly began playing over the public address system, and 200 people streamed out of the crowd and began dancing. They had practised twice. Pretty good effort for two rehearsals.
There has been some suggestion that schools should try to catch this craze since schools are a reservoir of talent. How about all the middle school children who are learning "Thriller" with Mrs Whittaker take this into the K-Mart Plaza in Palmy? What do you say Mrs Whittaker?
Hawkes Bay Today (newspaper) wrote a story on the event
so click here if you want to read it.
For our buddy time. We had a look at the inside of a generator. This was very important because it would help us understand what goes on inside of a wind turbine and how it harnesses the wind to make electricity.
Everyone is putting in plenty of work to learn the haka. This is our first practice with a video recorder on. How do you think the kids did?
Wow! Check out the intensity on Cameron's face. He is so focused. Ka mau te wehi!
Wow! Check out the intensity on Cameron's face. He is so focused. Ka mau te wehi!
Every Saturday we play a game of netball. We all play against other schools. We have six players on the court from each team. Then the whistle blows and the game begins. It takes a lot of passes to get the ball to the shooter. The shooter shoots the ball with the defenders trying to distract her. That is how you play netball.
We started well because we had the ball first. We scored lots of goals because we made a lot of intercepts. At the end we celebrated because we won 13 to 5.
By Madison
At the start of the game I was very nervous and so was Matt . I was not on at first but Matthew was. He played goal keep. We were facing Hiwinui school and we played at Hiwinui school. Angus and George played defence. In the mid-field was Bryceen Mitchell and Luca. Max was the striker and Matthew was in the goal. As soon as the whistle blew the game was on. They kicked off. Hiwinui got past Max and then nearly scored a goal. It was close game the score was 2 - 1 but a goal was disallowed, so it was a draw.
We had the special privilege of having Karl Lowe as a guest speaker for the day. Karl Lowe is a rugby player who has played for the Hawkes Bay Magpies, and the famous Wellington Hurricanes. His highest achievement in rugby is making the Junior All Blacks.
Room L welcomed Karl and his younger brother Jacob with a hearty Haka 'Ka Mate'. Then we sang 'I believe I can fly' by R. Kelly. He said it was "awesome!!"
Some of the things that I liked about Karl's talk was that his mum brought him up by having goals, working hard, having dreams [his dream was to be an All Black] and although he hasn't made it yet he hopes to one day.
If you want to see the full interview then you can press play below.
ps. sorry about the heater banging in the background.
Room L welcomed Karl and his younger brother Jacob with a hearty Haka 'Ka Mate'. Then we sang 'I believe I can fly' by R. Kelly. He said it was "awesome!!"
Some of the things that I liked about Karl's talk was that his mum brought him up by having goals, working hard, having dreams [his dream was to be an All Black] and although he hasn't made it yet he hopes to one day.
If you want to see the full interview then you can press play below.
ps. sorry about the heater banging in the background.
Yummy! Remember there is a sausage sizzle on Wednesday. So if you would like to have one for your lunch you have to order it by Tuesday 9:00. The cost is $1.00.

On Saturday Q-Bear watched Jamie play rugby.Then Layton came to stay the night.We had fish,in,chips for tea.On Sunday we watched Haydon play under eleven reps rugby.They lost twenty to seventeen, but he played really well. In the afternoon we all went riding under the bridge in Bulls.That was cool! Our dog Jake had fun as well. Q-Bear went for a ride on Jamie's motorbike. I think he had fun. Then we had to go home. It was a cool day.
We had the best time on Enviro Day. Our biggest project for the day was our class garden.
Here is a poem that shows some of our feelings of the day.
We hacked and pulled, stacked and filled,
wheelbarrows, buckets and holes.
We dug and squealed, cut and wheeled
more new plants into our garden.
When it was done we admitted it was fun,
working to care for our "Mother Earth" so dear.
Here is a poem that shows some of our feelings of the day.
We hacked and pulled, stacked and filled,
wheelbarrows, buckets and holes.
We dug and squealed, cut and wheeled
more new plants into our garden.
When it was done we admitted it was fun,
working to care for our "Mother Earth" so dear.
What a week we have ahead of us
Maths - we will be carrying on with multiplication and division.
Kapa Haka - lots more practice.
Enviro Day - Wednesday is the big enviro day so remember to wear green, and come with green fingers so that we can make our earth a better place.
Art - We will start our Tawhirimatea mural.
and lots of writing and reading to fill in the gaps.
Maths - we will be carrying on with multiplication and division.
Kapa Haka - lots more practice.
Enviro Day - Wednesday is the big enviro day so remember to wear green, and come with green fingers so that we can make our earth a better place.
Art - We will start our Tawhirimatea mural.
and lots of writing and reading to fill in the gaps.